Lessons are taught at Revival Drum Shop & Trade Up Music in Portland, Oregon as well as remotely. I tailor lessons to individual students goals while also introducing new concepts to help foster creativity. Lessons usually start with technique concepts from how to hold sticks and read basic music notation to important rudiments and moving around the instrument, all while remembering to keep things fun!
I always like for everyone to have something they're interested in to practice after their first lesson! As technique develops I like to introduce more advanced ideas such as music theory, coordinated limb independence, stylistic knowledge as well as finger technique and Moeller strokes.
With all of my students I like to present lessons with a real world perspective, meaning everything I teach is designed to help the student achieve real goals that they can use in their playing while also learning theoretical concepts. I love the challenge of music, drumming and production and love passing my knowledge on to my students.
Email me at benjamintylerdrums@gmail.com to schedule a lesson.