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Oct 22, 2019
I’m teaching at Revival Drum Shop now!
I’m very excited to announce that in addition to teaching classes at PCC and drum lessons at Trade Up Music I’m now teaching at Revival...

Oct 16, 2019
Elvin on Honesty
It's the honesty you apply to your playing that makes music enjoyable. The style of the music has little to do with it. It's only honesty...

Oct 15, 2019
My thoughts on the Billy Cobham show
Well, I got to catch one of the master drummers Billy Cobham at Star theater last week and as you would expect, it was amazing. First...

Sep 27, 2019
Excited for Billy Cobham!
I have to admit, I was a little late to the Billy Cobham party.. but a friend of mine introduced me to his amazing album Spectrum and I...

Aug 8, 2019
My fav record shop as a kid!
I gotta give a shout out to my favorite record shop growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, BOWWOW records. I’ll never forget going in...
Jul 24, 2019
From Greece with Love🥂
There was a ton of really cool music in Greece y’all! I was Shazaming the whole time! I went ahead and made a playlist of some of the...
Jul 14, 2019
7:11 @ Seven-11
I’m in Greece y’all! taking in the amazing history food and of course MUSIC! I’ll post something more coherent when I have some time to...
Jun 30, 2019
Ever notice how music from high school seems to be your favorite for the rest of your life?
Jun 20, 2019
There aren’t many musicians that have had the impact on my life and career as much as the late great Elvin Jones. I was lucky enough to...
Jun 12, 2019
Blast Beats!!
I’m not really a huge metal fan but I have to say, the musicianship of some metalheads is truly amazing and the fans are some of the most...
May 20, 2019
I’m playing on the wing of a plane!
My band Small Skies will be performing as part of Turbulence, which is a cool, 2 day festival outside of Hillsboro. There’s a nice man,...
May 14, 2019
Drum Battles?
People used to engage in friendly drum battles all the time. I’ve always been a bit ambivalent about them. I feel like they can be kind...
May 8, 2019
I’ve been having a blast talking to my class at PCC about polyrhythms. I stumbled upon this crazy 6 part polyrhythm made with software...
Apr 30, 2019
Hey I’m on google and yelp!
So seeing as how this is 2019 and all I decided to get my butt on to a google and yelp profile. If you’ve enjoyed my lessons or just...

Apr 23, 2019
My take-away from the Purdie clinic/show
So as anyone within earshot of me on a regular basis knows, I had the pleasure of seeing Bernard Purdie play a show with Mel Brown last...
Apr 16, 2019
Freddie Crump, forgotten genius
I remember reading when I was researching old school drummers that a lot of vaudeville drummers were part musician and part...
Apr 8, 2019
Sam Pilafian, one of the greatest musicians ever. I’m extremely saddened by the passing of one of...
Apr 1, 2019
My Purdie Obsession
I’m getting really excited about the Bernard Purdie show coming up, and to top it off, he’s doing a few clinics at the one and only...
Mar 25, 2019
Heel Up vs Heel Down bass drum technique I was recently talking to a student who...
Mar 19, 2019
Bernard vs Mel!
VERY excited for this show! It’s going to be amazing to see these two icons side by side.
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